You look outside, there’s a thick coating of fresh, clean, white snow. The sun is lazily stretching above the horizon and a gentle breeze picks up, blowing a few flakes of snow in front of the sun so it looks like glitter, sparkling all around in a magical just-for-you snow globe. You take a deep breath and feel the crisp, cool air fill your lungs. Your toes are a little chilled and wiggle a bit in your slippers as you hug your sweater a little tighter and reach for that hot mug of coffee. Curling up in your chair you think to yourself, why can’t every winter morning feel like this?

The glittering snow, the fresh clean air, the warm coffee, slippers and sweater. Somehow they seem ok, right? We’re so funny sometimes.. one day the outside world looks like a winter wonderland, the next it looks like hours of snow blowing and shoveling, sweating and freezing simultaneously, trying to finish the outdoor chores in those few precious hours of daylight.

We can be kind of all-or-nothing.. Either winter sucks or it’s beautiful. And the best part? We can easily go from, “Look at the beautiful, glittery snow!” to “Look at all the work I have to get done out there!” It’s so easy to transition from Happy to disheartened. It hardly takes any effort to ruin a day. But to actually start shoveling the snow and train our minds to see the beauty in it at the same time.. boy that takes some effort. We feel ourselves resisting the positivity with every scoop of the shovel.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m no happy-go-lucky type. Just this week I took a tumble down the stairs… twisted my ankle pretty bad.. I mean really bad, the most pain I’ve experienced in 15 years. Seriously, dude. I’m in my thirties, I’m certified in yoga, I consider myself a fairly “present-in-the-moment” person with above average balance abilities. And. I. Fell. Down. The. Bad. Words. Stairs. As much pain and discomfort as I’ve been in, I think nothing is worse than the embarrassment. So naturally, I thought I should share it with the world.

For the last few days, I’ve had to rest. No usual yoga, no snowshoeing, no walking in the winter wonderland, no cooking or even ice-cream scooping! (poor photographer..) And surprise! I have felt pretty down.. disappointed in life and myself. Then, looking out of our bedroom window this morning, at the sea smoke wisping it’s way above our Lake, I realized I’m not happy. And my next thought was, that is entirely my choice. Because, would you look at that sunrise?!

The sun lights up the sea smoke in such a cool, unique way. This is something you only see when it’s cold outside. I felt like I was given a chance, to ignore the beauty or embrace it. If I can’t be up and running around (haha.. like I was ever a runner..) I could sit and enjoy the view. Even as I type this I’m looking at the Cedar trees covered in snow, globes of chunky, white snow that even makes me want to giggle a little. It looks like something out of a Dr. Seuss book.

Sure, there aren’t roses to stop and smell in a Northland Winter… but there is usually a little snow. So maybe we can all learn from Lorelai Gilmore, “I smell snow!”

Stay, warm my friends. Drive slow and watch out for deer.


This Post Has 9 Comments

  1. Marcia Lang


  2. erik wilkie

    Enjoyed reading your words of philosophy here Kara,… and, sorry to hear you twisted your ankle so !
    Indeed that hobbling can also add to taking the mood from stoked to somber. Heal up strong, hopefully it won’t take too long. I understand maybe,…just what you’re talking about.

    I’m no yoga guy at all, but each winter i seem to injure myself a bit, either cutting firewood, or surfing too long in the icy cold water.

    Keeping the wood stove filled, i’m hoping, that i’m healed up good, by the next time the big snow arrives, or some little waves do.

    Here’s hoping you’re enjoying this beautiful Blue Winter Snow again soon.


  3. Diane Torrel

    It wasn’t so bad cuz the sun was shining and the wind was mellow. I drove to town for the first time in 3 days. Although the roads were icy , I couldn’t help to b a little mesmerized by the heavily snow laden evergreens.
    I too have to “talk myself into” the day in wintertime. Easy for me to lay myself up on the couch and I have no injuries!!
    I am thankful we feed the birds and have horses. They both depend on us to get outside to feed them. It is a joy to see those birds! Today we had 6 pine grosbeaks. The males were vivid red. More so than summertime.
    I suggest you have Christian go get you some fresh flowers that smell good and keep them close.

  4. Carol Buhr

    Love this! I don’t get outside nearly enough nowadays but this is inspiring me to get out there! I so appreciate you two and being able to follow along on your adventures. Heal fast, Kara!

  5. Lynn Genter

    This was just what I needed today (this week, this year), so thank you, Cara. Your words are balm, but also instructive. I must heed! And thank you, Christian, for the photos. The splashes of yellow literally MADE MY DAY!
    You two are Good Medicine!

  6. Sonia Aswegan

    I love your descriptive word pictures that flow so beautifully with your husband’s photography! And I’m so sorry about your fall and injury. It’s a bummer to be laid up. But the philosophy I’ve adopted is that there’s always a life lesson in each frustration. I sprained my foot badly last spring while gardening which, of course, resulted in me not being able to garden for most of our short season. But what I came away with is a newfound acceptance of what is and a deeper level of patience. I’m glad you’ve got such a beautiful backyard to savor while you heal and a wonderful partner to share your love of our gorgeous northland!

  7. Mary Ann Brakstad

    Blog and photos – both beautiful! Heart renewed and ready to carry on.

  8. Sue Ames-Lillie

    Thank you both for your beautiful blog and pictures! I’m what I would have considered “old” a few years ago, but actually enjoying moving the snow and watching the wind drop the snow from the pine trees. My husband and I so enjoy your amazing pictures—- the serenity, the “holy cow!” response, the bright breath-taking beauty of the North Shore and the Living Lake Superior, and the way you weave it all into words that ring true to my heart! Thank you!! Heal quickly and thoroughly from your injury. God Bless you both!

  9. Sandy LeTendre

    I’ve pretty much been layed up this year since July 24. Just had my seventh spine surgery yesterday. Been a long hard summer, fall and now moving into winter. Things could be worse. Two years of missing “my up North “ adventures and now in healing mode again. Took three bad falls this year as well. Your in a beautiful place up north/ things will get better. I’m blessed that I’m still walking and not pushing buttons from a wheelchair. Once I can get on the road again I hope to enjoy the great outdoors in my favor places along the shore. It’s nice to have your Mom close by now.

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